Friday, June 26, 2009

In My Dream Garden...

I would grow:

the most gorgeous hydrangeas...

magnificent morning glories...

sweetest sweet peas...

mounds and mounds of irish moss...

bushels of delectable strawberries...

Sunny daffodils all year long...

The brightest poppies...

lush lavender for luck...

peppermint as well...

Perhaps a mini rose or two...

And I would grow Rainbows and magic and love.

and you would all be invited to have a picnic in my dream garden.

Have a Sunshiny day!


sweetpeabyjk said...

What beautiful photos! I hope to post some of our garden photos on my blog. Check back some time!

Love your bio. My children are grown and I have a 2 year old granddaughter. I remember those early children days with such fondness. Enjoy them!

Unknown said...

Thanks! The photos are swiped from the google searches and no credit was given to the photographer. We are working on our backyard (a former desert wastedland practically) and I thought, "wouldn't it be great if...". Maybe someday I will have a lush garden. For now, we have some grass. That's it.